Hindutva, Dalits and Neoliberal Order / One year on, no sign of freedom for Anand Teltumbde

Hindutva, Dalits and Neoliberal Order / One year on, no sign of freedom for Anand Teltumbde

Hindutva, Dalits and Neoliberal Order


The Leaflet / by Anand Teltumbde

This is an extract from Hindutva and Dalits; Perspectives for Understanding Communal Praxis Edited by Anand Teltumbde and published by SAGE. It contains essays by numerous writers like Shamsul Islam, Ram Puniyani, Meena Kandasamy, Suhas Palshikar and Martin Macwan.
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One year on, no sign of freedom for Anand Teltumbde


The Goan / by The Goan network

Draconian UAPA ensures Ambedkar’s grandson-in-law completes a year in detention.
Even as unworthy politicos in Goa and across the nation sang hosannas to pay homage to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar on Wednesday, in a secluded corner cell of a Mumbai jail Dr Anand Teltumbde, the grandson-in-law of the Dalit icon and the architect of the Indian Constitution, spent the first day of a second year in detention.
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