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Tag: Jun 6

Maoists Were Conspiring To Kill PM: Pune Police Files Charge Sheet In Bhima Koregaon Case

Maoists Were Conspiring To Kill PM: Pune Police Files Charge Sheet In Bhima Koregaon Case

LIVE LAW NEWS NETWORK / By Live Law News Network

Some Maoist leaders were conspiring to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi and planned to procure arms and ammunition to wage a war against the country, Pune police claimed in its charge sheet filed in the Bhima Koregaon case filed Thursday.
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Activists of 35 countries stand with Bhima Koregaon arrestees!

Activists of 35 countries stand with Bhima Koregaon arrestees!

Documented by Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy

Today we live under a fascist state which kills with impunity and will go to any lengths to preserve existing structures of inequality fuelled by neoliberal, communal, capitalist, patriarchal and casteist forces, to protect the interests of the big corporations, the dominant classes and castes.
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Pune Police claim assassination plot against prime minister in chargesheet

Pune Police claim assassination plot against prime minister in chargesheet / By Scroll Staff

The police have accused activist Rona Wilson, who was among the five arrested in June, of plotting to kill the prime minister.
The Pune Police on Thursday filed a chargesheet against five activists who were arresed in June for alleged Maoist links in connection with the Bhima Koregaon case, ANI reported.
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World body calls Urban Naxals rights’ defenders

World body calls Urban Naxals rights’ defenders

The Pioneer / By Rajesh Kumar

Taking note of arrest of six prominent human rights defenders and lawyers — branded “Urban Naxals” — the Special Rapporteurs of Human Rights Council (HRC) has written to Permanent Mission of India (PMI) in Geneva seeking information about Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, Shoma Sen, Sudha Bhardwaj, Mahesh Raut and Sudhir Dhawale.
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The Jagdalpur Legal Aid Group (JagLAG) and Collective strongly condemns and mourns the incidents of arrest and police remand of Advocate, friend, mentor, and colleague Sudha Bharadwaj and calls upon a collective expression of solidarity and strength from all activists, students, lawyers, democratic rights and civil liberty communities, friends and the general public. We also denounce this ongoing onslaught on other activists, lawyers, writers and professors, including Advocate Surendra Gadling, Advocate Arun Ferriera, Professor Shoma Sen, Vernon Gonsalves, Mahesh Raut, Varavara Rao, Gautam Navlakha, Sudhir Dhawale, Fr. Stan Swamy, Rona Wilson, Anand Teltumbe and several others who are being implicated by this mesh of lies and deceit spun by the Pune Police.

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Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy

Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy

Joint Press Statement

We, the members of civil society and more than 40 rights organisations including women’s rights organisations, dalit rights organisations, adivasi mass organisations, legal aid and research organisations, environmental groups, trade unions, students etc., have come together to register our condemnation of the continued hounding and reprisals by the state of human rights activists arrested allegedly in the Bhima Koregaon case.

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Bombay High Court relief to Advocate Surendra Gadling and others arrested on June 6 is welcome

Bombay High Court relief to Advocate Surendra Gadling and others arrested on June 6 is welcome

The Leaflet / By Deepa Punjani

Stressing the provision available to the arrestees under the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPc), Justice Mridula Bhatkar says that the provision as contemplated by Section 167 of the Code is a “laudable provision” vindicating the right of the accused to be released after the stipulated period and an incomplete investigation beyond 90 days cannot be a ground to deny the accused bail.
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Jail authorities in India continue to deny prisoners the right to intellectual pursuit

Jail authorities in India continue to deny prisoners the right to intellectual pursuit / By Aritra Bhattacharya

Lawyers for Surendra Gadling, under arrest in the Bhima Koregaon case, say their client was denied access to reading material, including SC judgments and books.
On September 13, six alleged Maoists lodged in the Yerawada jail in Pune, Maharashtra, participated in a one-day token hunger strike. The date chosen was significant. Freedom fighter Jatin Das had died on the 63rd day of his hunger strike on that day in 1929.
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