Illegal Arrest and Hounding of Prof. Anand Teltumbde w.r.t. Bhima Koregaon

Illegal Arrest and Hounding of Prof. Anand Teltumbde w.r.t. Bhima Koregaon

By Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy


On Tuesday noted journalists P. Sainath and Niranjan Takle and noted author Urmila Pawar and activists from Mumbai, Jatin Desai and Feroze Mithirborewala condemned the police action against Prof. Anand Teltumbde and urged people to speak up against the undemocratic practices of the current government, which Mr Sainath said was criminalising dissent. They were speaking at a press conference organised by Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy (MRSD), a platform of over forty human rights organisations from in and around Mumbai on the “Illegal arrest and hounding of Prof. Anand Teltumbde w.r.t. the Bhima Koregaon case.”
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