Stan Swamy: Six months of being hunted, yet not vanquished

Stan Swamy: Six months of being hunted, yet not vanquished

Counter Currents / by Stan Swamy

The second half of 2019 was both a very trying but sobering experience for me. Jharkhand police was after me and I was after the police! The difference was the police acted illegally and I acted legally …
An enduring pain within me has been whereas I have been privileged to have so many contacts where I could go, be protected and take on the State govt in court and get legal protection, whereas so many innocent persons who have been unjustly imprisoned and are still languishing in jails. And when I think of Bhima-Koregaon case, in which also I’m implicated as a “suspected accused”, so many eminent intellectuals, lawyers, poets, human rights defenders are still behind bars.
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