Where Free Speech Is A Path To Lose Personal Liberty: After 70 Years Of Constitutional Democracy

Where Free Speech Is A Path To Lose Personal Liberty: After 70 Years Of Constitutional Democracy

Live Law / by Prof M Sridhar Acharyulu

We celebrate 70 years of Constitutional Governance in India, i.e., Bharath on 26th November 2020 with Damocles sword on free speech that could deprive personal liberty. None is bothered about those innocent, not very popular, common journalists and protestors who were arrested for talking against the establishment or protesting against Government policies like the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). In recent times, several Journalists have been charged under the sedition law, the Official Secrets Act, for incitement to riots and under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). Left wing thinkers, poets and academicians are arrested without any convincing evidence or or charge, and are denied bail by the Courts.
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