Poems by Sudhir Dhawale and Surendra Gadling, written on fifth anniversary of their incarceration / Song by Surendra Gadling

Poems by Sudhir Dhawale and Surendra Gadling, written on fifth anniversary of their incarceration / Song by Surendra Gadling

By InSAF India

The following poems were written by poet Sudhir Dhawale and Advocate Surendra Gadling on 6 June 2023, the fifth anniversary of their incarceration as undertrials in the Bhima Koregaon/Elgar Parishad case.

Read poems (in Hindi/English)

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Surendra Galding – Caged yet fearless


By Adv Surendra Gadling Defence Committee

hindi | 8:43min | June 6, 2023
Five years back this day they took him away hoping to break his spirit. 1825 days so far behind bars and see who won?
During the short release he sang his heart. Caged yet fearless. U can jail him not his charisma.
This is the second of the songs. Lyrics by Sagar Gorkhe.
Listen to the song

Also read:
Five years behind bars for five activists – Without bail, without charges being framed, without justice! – Various statements

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