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Tag: WSS

WSS: On The Arbitrary Arrests Of Shoma Sen, Sudhir Dhawale, Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, and Mahesh Raut By The Maharashtra Police

WSS: On The Arbitrary Arrests Of Shoma Sen, Sudhir Dhawale, Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, and Mahesh Raut By The Maharashtra Police

Statement by Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS)

Condemn the arbitrary arrests of Shoma Sen, Sudhir Dhawale, Surendra Gadling, Rona Wilson, and Mahesh Raut by the Maharashtra Police!
Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) is outraged at the arbitrary arrest of its valued member, Professor Shoma Sen along with other leading Dalit and human rights activists, in an alarming crackdown on civil liberties activists throughout the country.

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Encountering Resistance – State Policy for Development in Gadchiroli

Encountering Resistance – State Policy for Development in Gadchiroli

Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisations (CDRO) / by Coordination of Democratic Rights Organisations (CDRO), Indian Association Peoples’ Lawyers (IAPL), Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS)

Introduction / 4

Chapter 1: The Background and Context: Minerals, Mines and Militarization / 5
Forest Rights, PESA and Gram Sabhas
The Violence Needed to Violate
The Costs of Mining: Interrogation, Arrests, Torture and an Economic Blockade

Chapter 2: Execution and Cover up of a Massacre / 14
Tumirgunda Forests (Boria Kasanur) on 22nd April 2018
Nainer Forests (Rajaram Khandla) on 23rd April 2018
A Story with Holes: 15 Bodies found on 24th April 2018
Celebration, Rewards, Promotions: Prize for Killings
Grim Silence on Gattepalli

Chapter 3: Encountering Resistance / 28

Chapter 4: Conclusions / 37

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Massacres Masked as Encounters: The New State Policy for Development in Gadchiroli

Massacres Masked as Encounters: The New State Policy for Development in Gadchiroli


Sanhati / By CDRO, IAPL, WSS

In the morning of 22nd April 2018, an alleged encounter took place in Boriya-Kasnasur of Bhamragarh tehsil of Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra. A fact finding team comprising of 44 persons from across 12 states belonging to three major human rights networks and organisations – Co-ordination of Democratic Rights Organisations (CDRO), Indian Association People’s Lawyers (IAPL) and Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) visited the sites of the alleged encounters in the district of Gadchiroli. Their findings show that while the term encounter is being used for all of these instances, they are in fact fake.
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Condemn the State Sponsored Massacre Scripted as ‘Encounter’ in Gadchiroli and Bijapur in Central India

Condemn the State Sponsored Massacre Scripted as ‘Encounter’ in Gadchiroli and Bijapur in Central India


Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) / By WSS

Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) condemn the recent spate of genocidal violence unleashed by the Indian State on the adivasis of Central India in the form of ‘encounter’ killings in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra and Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. … Reports coming out of area reveal heartbreaking accounts of how villagers including children gathered for a marriage function were rounded up and killed without provocation by the security forces.
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