Video: Justice for Mahesh Raut / New website launched: Justice for Mahesh

Video: Justice for Mahesh Raut / New website launched: Justice for Mahesh

hindi │ 1h 17min │2021

Video: Justice for Mahesh Raut


By family and friends of Mahesh

Our friend Mahesh, is spending his fourth year in jail. Without trial! Who is Mahesh though? Why is his story important? And why is he a threat to the powers that are?
Join us for an evening where we will discuss all this and more. Friends, family, colleagues and journalists will talk about Mahesh and why he is still in jail.
We will also be launching a website which documents much of Mahesh’s story through this event.
We miss our friend and we really hope we will see #JusticeForMahesh very soon!
Watch video
Twitter: @justice4mahesh

New website launched: Justice for Mahesh

Visit Justice for Mahesh website

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