Despite denial by NIA Court, why Anand Teltumbde has a right to temporary bail

Despite denial by NIA Court, why Anand Teltumbde has a right to temporary bail

The Leaflet / by Hamza Lakdawala

The denial of temporary bail to Anand Teltumbde, an accused in the Bhima Koregaon violence and conspiracy case, flies in the face of Indian constitutional jurisprudence and is violative of the basic tenets of human rights law, writes Hamza Lakdawala.
On December 1, the Special National Investigation Agency (NIA) Court in Mumbai rejected the plea of Anand Teltumbde, who was seeking temporary bail of 15 days to meet his mother and family after the recent death of his brother Milind Teltumbde in an alleged encounter with the security forces.
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