Why Surendra Gadling, a political prisoner, is alleging his life is in danger

Why Surendra Gadling, a political prisoner, is alleging his life is in danger

Times of India / by Parth MN

Advocate and activist Surendra Gadling, an accused in the Elagar Parishad-Maoist links case, has filed a criminal complaint against top prison authorities, claiming he is facing extreme harassment. The police, however, says that’s not the case
On November 24, 2021, Surendra Gadling “felt giddy” after visiting the toilet. The human rights lawyer and Dalit activist from Nagpur immediately went into “a semi-conscious state and fell on his back“, banging his head gainst the wall.
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Video: The Prison Song of Surendra Gadling

hindi | 11min | 2021

51- year-old Gadling, a well-known criminal lawyer in Nagpur, was once a cultural activist, who sang songs of political resistance. The 11- minutes- long rendition tells you what it means to be incarcerated in Indian prisons. From food, water, to medical care, everything is a struggle, Gadling narrates. The song was recorded by one of Gadling’s colleagues and was made available to The Wire after obtaining his consent.
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