Killing Father Stan with lies

Killing Father Stan with lies

Poster by #bakeryprasad / by Ajaz Ashraf

Stan had, during interrogation, claimed that the evidence against him was ‘interpolated’, as he wrote in his book I Am Not A Silent Spectator; but NIA did not believe him. Now a forensic firm has confirmed it.
Late Jesuit priest Father Stan Swamy wrote a slim book, I Am Not A Silent Spectator, before he was arrested on October 8, 2020. In the book, Stan details the questions sleuths from the National Investigation Agency asked him over 15 hours of interrogation spread over five days—and the answers he gave. He scoffed at the documents they said had been extracted from his computer, insisting these were “interpolations”.
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Also read:
Hackers Planted Files to Frame an Indian Priest Who Died in Custody (Wired / Dec 13, 2022)
And the future of Stan Swamy ( / Oct 2022)

I am not a silent spectator

An autobiographical fragment, memory and reflection

Indian Social Institute / By Stan Swamy

Publisher: Indian Social Institute
First published in 2021
140 pages
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