Court Issues Notice in Surendra Gadling’s Contempt Plea Against Prison Officials

Court Issues Notice in Surendra Gadling’s Contempt Plea Against Prison Officials

Surendra Gadling

Court Issues Notice in Surendra Gadling’s Contempt Plea Against Prison Officials


The Wire / by Sukanya Shantha

The human rights lawyer, an accused in the Elgar Parishad case, claims that despite favourable court orders, the prison officials have blocked his access to hospitals, worsening his health condition further.
Surendra Gadling, a human rights lawyer and an arrested accused in the Elgar Parishad case, has been ailing with multiple health issues, including serious cardiac issues and psychiatric disorders. Over the past year, he has made multiple applications before the court seeking adequate medical care. And despite favourable court orders, the prison officials have allegedly blocked his access to hospitals, worsening his health condition further.
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Court issues notice to Taloja jail superintent for not taking Surendra Gadling to hospital


The Hindu / by Sonam Saigal

Although the court had directed that Mr. Gadling be referred to JJ Hospital, and he was due to recieve psychiatric treatment follow-up on February 20, 2022, he was not taken to hospital until June 6, he alleged
A sessions court at Gadchiroli has issued a notice to the Superintendent and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Taloja Central Jail, with regards to their failure to take advocate Surendra Gadling to hospital last year, even three months after being directed to do so by the court. Mr. Gadling is an accused in the Bhima Koregaon caste violence case of 2018.
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Also watch:

● Video: The Prison Song of Surendra Gadling

hindi | 11min | 2021

The Wire / lyrics by Ramesh Gaichor

51- year-old Gadling, a well-known criminal lawyer in Nagpur, was once a cultural activist, who sang songs of political resistance. The 11- minutes- long rendition tells you what it means to be incarcerated in Indian prisons. From food, water, to medical care, everything is a struggle, Gadling narrates. The song was recorded by one of Gadling’s colleagues and was made available to The Wire after obtaining his consent.
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