PUCL: Five Years of Bhima Koregaon – Release Them All (video)

PUCL: Five Years of Bhima Koregaon – Release Them All (video)

hindi/en | 1h 55min | 2023

By People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)

Join us in remembering the 16 human rights activists who are still charged in the Bhima Koregaon case – many of whom have now spent more than 5 years in jail!

Let us remember
– the quiet dignity of Fr Stan Swamy, even as he lost his life in jail, incarcerated under false charges;
– the mounting injustice of Surendra Gadling, Shoma Sen, Sudhir Dhawale, Rona Wilson,  Mahesh Raut, Arun Ferreira and Vernon Gonsalves  spending 5 years in jail,
– the trials and tribulations of the young Jyoti Jagtap, Ramesh Gaichor and Sagar Gorkhe of KKM,  and Prof Hany Babu, arrested later
– and Sudha Bharadwaj, Varvara Rao, Anand Teltumbde and Gautam Navlakha, who are on bail, but still not free

Watch recording @ PUCL fb

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