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Tag: BK16

Pegasus Spyware: Fresh plea in Supreme Court seeks probe into 2017 India-Israel defence deal

Pegasus Spyware: Fresh plea in Supreme Court seeks probe into 2017 India-Israel defence deal

Pegasus case: Fresh plea in Supreme Court seeks probe into 2017 India-Israel defence deal

20/01/2022 / by Scroll Staff

The applicant has said the reported agreement with Israel was not approved by Parliament.
Advocate ML Sharma has filed an application in the Supreme Court seeking an investigation after The New York Times on January 28 said that the Narendra Modi-led government had purchased the Pegasus spyware from Israel in 2017, Live Law reported on Sunday.
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Pegasus Spyware: Supreme Court Urged To Take Cognisance Of New York Times Report Alleging Pegasus Purchase By Indian Government


Live Law / by Srishti Ojha

While referring to the recent New York Times report that in July 2017 Modi government purchased Pegasus from an Israeli firm, Advocate ML Sharma has moved the Supreme Court of India seeking probe into the alleged Pegasus purchase.
Sharma, who is also one of the petitioners in the Pegasus case before the Supreme Court, has filed an application seeking directions to register F.I.R for investigation to recover public money paid for the impugned deal.
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India Bought Pegasus as Part of Larger $2 Billion Deal with Israel in 2017, Claims ‘NYT’ Report


The Wire / by The Wire Staff

The media report notes that Pegasus was the ‘centrepiece’ of a 2017 deal between India and Israel.
India bought controversial spyware tool Pegasus in 2017 as part of a larger arms deal with Israel, according to a new report published by The New York Times.
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Also read:
Bhima Koregaon accused and their counsel write to SC’s Pegasus technical committee alleging snooping (The Leaflet/ Jan 2022)
Leaked Data Shows Surveillance Net in Elgar Parishad Case May Have Crossed a Line (The Wire / July 2021)

India’s government unleashing controversial UAPA as means of silencing civil rights activists

India’s government unleashing controversial UAPA as means of silencing civil rights activists

Daily Maverick / By Anandaroop Sen

In this interview, Anandaroop Sen, a senior lecturer in history at the University of Cape Town, talks to Kavita Srivastava, the President of the Rajasthan Chapter of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties and one of India’s most respected activists, about the clampdown and what it represents for the future of human rights in India.

Anandaroop Sen (AS): Could you begin by giving the context in which the 16 Indian academics, activists, lawyers, popularly known as the Bhima Koregaon 16 (BK 16) have been imprisoned by the Narendra Modi-led BJP government for the last three years.
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Video: International Solidarity Statement, 73rd Republic Day of India

Video: International Solidarity Statement, 73rd Republic Day of India

Also read: On R-Day, Diaspora Groups Call for Release of Anti-CAA Protestors Charged Under UAPA (The Wire / Jan 2022)

Video: International Solidarity Statement, 73rd Republic Day of India


en | 14:45min | 2022

By InSAF India

An International Solidarity Statement remembering the human rights defenders in jail in India who remain under trial for extended periods of time for speaking out against the injustices of the Indian State against its most vulnerable citizens. The meeting to record this statement was initiated by Amnesty International Germany India Coordination group, Amnesty Switzerland and InSAF India (International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India) on the occasion of India’s Republic Day for a collective reading of the preamble of the Indian constitution and saying the names of the BK16 and other imprisoned human rights defenders in India.
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Credits for images/quotes used in the statement

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UAPA And The Authoritarian Tendencies Of A Democratic Government

UAPA And The Authoritarian Tendencies Of A Democratic Government

Youthkiawaaz / by Salim Usman

The Modi government has, over the years, used the UAPA to counter any narrative that goes against their views and uses the law to arbitrarily arrest those who have spoken against them.
The unprecedented rise in countries exhibiting authoritarian tendencies throughout the world in the past few years, and the large number of human rights violations committed by state actors, is a matter of concern not just for the particular country’s political, social and economic circles but also for the international political community.
… perhaps the starkest example of the weaponisation of the UAPA was its use against those accused in the 2018 Bhima Koregaon violence case.
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Thousands visit ‘Jaystambh’ monument to mark 204th anniversary of Koregaon-Bhima battle

Thousands visit ‘Jaystambh’ monument to mark 204th anniversary of Koregaon-Bhima battle

Pictures by Jignesh Mistry

Battle anniversary event at Jaystambh remains peaceful, Covid norms go for a toss


The Indian Express / by Chandan Haygunde

The event took place exactly four years after violence had broken out in the area, leading to the death of a youth.
An event to mark the 204th anniversary of the Battle of Bhima Koregaon at the Jaystambh in Perne village in Pune district remained peaceful on Saturday. But as a large number of visitors turned up at the ‘military monument’, social distancing was not maintained and the Covid-prevention norms laid down by the government went for a toss.
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Dalits offer tributes at Bhima Koregaon to mark the 204th anniversary of the battle


Justice News / by Nadeem Inamdar, National Herald

Thousands, by some estimates over half a million, of people from across the country converged on New Year’s Day to observe and celebrate the victory of Dalit Mahar troops under the British over the Bahmin Peshwa’s army at Bhma Koregaon over two centuries ago.
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by Collective Delhi (Jan 1):
Keep alive the flame against Neo-Peshwa Raj of RSS BJP, free the #BhimaKoregaon political prisoners. Let the history of Bhima Koregaon inspire us to demand #RepealUAPA and #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners so that more such heroic victories can be won by our people’s struggles.

by The Dalit Voice (Jan 1):
The battle of Pride.
The battle of self-respect.
The battle against untouchability.
The battle against injustice.
The battle against inequality.

Let’s pay homage to our brave, fearless, lion-hearted, courageous warriors.
#भीमा कोरेगांव शौर्य दिवस

Maharashtra govt.’s ‘recognition’ of Bhima Koregaon Jaystambh reflects shift in narrative


The Hindu / by Shoumojit Banerjee

The violent clashes that erupted in the village of Bhima Koregaon and surrounding areas on New Year’s Day in 2018 seared Maharashtra’s social fabric, while heightening social tensions across the State.
The clashes resulted in massive destruction of property belonging to Ambedkarite members and its reverberations were felt throughout the country.
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Bhima Koregaon Commission: Govt apathy, Covid situation delay panel probe, yet again


Hindustan Times / by Nadeem Inamdar

The two-member commission was constituted on February 19, 2018, by the Devendra Fadnavis government. However, due to Covid-19, lack of manpower, and on an occasion, government apathy has led to delay for the commission to submit the report.
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Also read:
Bhima Koregaon: The Mystery of Fadnavis’ Terms of Reference ( / Dec 2021)
Let’s Remember the Lesson of Bhima Koregaon: Down with the New Peshwai (Sanhati│by Sudhir Dhawale│March 2018)
The Myth of Bhima Koregaon Reinforces the Identities It Seeks to Transcend (The Wire | by Anand Teltumbde | Jan 2018)

Civil society renews demand for repeal of UAPA, AFSPA and Sedition Law

Civil society renews demand for repeal of UAPA, AFSPA and Sedition Law

Drawing by Arun Ferreira

Civil society renews demand for repeal of UAPA, AFSPA and Sedition Law


Kashmir Media Service / by KMS

Prominent civil society groups and activists as well as lawyers held a public meeting at the Press Club of India and demanded repeal of black laws like Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, sedition law, and Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act.
The speakers explained various aspects of the black laws, their history of use by various governments in India to try to silence the voices of the people, and said in one voice that in a democracy there was no place for such laws. Those who addressed the meeting included M K Venu of The Wire, Vikas Bajpai, Ish Mishra and A Dubey of Janhastakshep, civil rights activist Sanjay Parikh and lawyer and civil rights activist N D Pancholi.
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Bail to Sudha Bharadwaj: Civil rights groups demand release of all BK case accused


Counterview / by Counterview

Civil rights groups, even as welcoming the Supreme Court order granting default bail to Advocate Sudha Bharadwaj, have demanded that release of all human rights defenders arrested in the Bhima Koregaon (BK) case.
The People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) said the “short order of the Supreme Court” on December 7 dismissing the Special Leave Petition (SLP) of the National Investigation Agency (NIA)” is a “vindication of the long campaign against the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) by the PUCL and other allied groups.
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Read full statement: PUCL Welcomes Bail for Sudha Bharadwaj

Over 50% of those arrested under UAPA were under 30, Centre tells Parliament

15/12/2021 / by Scroll Staff

The government said it was not considering any amendments to the anti-terror law, which critics say is being increasingly used to stifle dissent.
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Human Rights Day: BK16 Solidarity (in pictures) / Is there really cause for celebration?

Human Rights Day: BK16 Solidarity (in pictures) / Is there really cause for celebration?

Raipur and Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)


By PUCL Chhattisgarh

PUCL Chhattisgarh together with several other unions and organisations organised events in Raipur and Bilaspur on the occasion of Human Rights day. Over 200 people were present in both cities. They also submitted a memorandum to the chief minister and governor of the state
Read PUCL press release (hindi)

click to enlarge

Worldwide Campaign

‘Speaking Up Is Not Anti-National’: Global Groups Condemn Attacks on India’s Rights Defenders


The Wire / by The Wire Staff

‘Every single government authority, whose job it is to safeguard human rights, has actively undermined them.’
The Indian diaspora and 30 international human rights groups across over 15 countries on Friday – on the occasion of Human Rights Day – came together for a global campaign to condemn growing attacks on human rights in India. In a statement, they advocated for the repeal of laws that are criminalising the defence of human rights and jailing human rights defenders in the country.
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Berlin and Goettingen, Germany


India Justice Project (IJP) & IndienKoGruppe

Through an interactive street performance on 10 December, International Human Rights Day, at Rathaus Neukoelln in Berlin, the India Justice Project called for solidarity with imprisoned human rights defenders in India.
Read IJP press release

click to enlarge




Release intellectuals, writers arrested under UAPA: Farm outfit


Times of India / by Neel Kamal

Hours before winding up the year-long farmers’ protest at the Delhi borders, farmer organisation BKU (Ekta Ugrahan) on Friday observed the international human rights day and demanded the release of all intellectuals and writers arrested under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) Bhima Koregaon, Elgar Parishad case and Delhi riots cases.
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By Neha Dixit (Dec 11)
+++ The fabulous Navsharan Singh speaks of Sudha Bharadwaj’s release as several women farmers gather at the Bibi Gulaab Kaur stage to wrap up the 15 month long protest and return home victorious +++
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Human Rights Day: Is there really cause for celebration?


Bar & Bench / by Areeb Uddin Ahmed, Aditya AK

In the face of what has come to pass in the recent past, as human rights continue to be sacrificed at the altar of national security and other reasons, we ask ourselves whether there really is cause for celebration.
Every December 10 is celebrated as Human Rights Day, in honour of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a document that serves as the blueprint for the freedoms assured to persons across the world.
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India among countries classified as ‘repressed’ in global report / 293 journalists imprisoned globally

India among countries classified as ‘repressed’ in global report / 293 journalists imprisoned globally

India among countries classified as ‘repressed’ in global civil ratings report

09/12/2021 / by Scroll Staff

India features on the list of nations with “repressed” democratic values in a report released by South African non-profit organization Civicus ahead of the United States summit on democracy scheduled to start from December 9…
In India, the report noted, the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, or UAPA, was abused by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to keep several people “in pre-trial detention on baseless charges and deny them bail”.
The report mentioned the detentions made under UAPA in the Bhima Koregaon case, including those of activists Sudha Bharadwaj and Stan Swamy.
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Record number of 293 journalists imprisoned globally in 2021, says report

09/12/2021 / by Scroll Staff

The data published by the Committee to Protect Journalists also said 24 journalists were killed this year till December 1 for their work….
The Committee to Protect Journalists report also showed that seven journalists were behind bars in India. These include Siddique Kappan, Manan Gulzar Dar, Aasif Sultan, Rajeev Sharma, Tanveer Warsi, and Bhima Koregaon case accused Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde.
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Relief to Sudha Bharadwaj is welcome. Prolonged imprisonment of other accused must also be questioned

Relief to Sudha Bharadwaj is welcome. Prolonged imprisonment of other accused must also be questioned

Relief to Sudha Bharadwaj is welcome. Prolonged imprisonment of other Bhima Koregaon accused must also be questioned


The Indian Express / by Editorial

The Bhima Koregaon/Elgar Parishad case is the most prominent example of what has become the standard “process as punishment” in UAPA cases.
The Bombay High Court’s decision to grant default bail to lawyer-activist Sudha Bharadwaj is welcome, even if it comes after three long years of incarceration without trial. It must also turn the spotlight on the prolonged imprisonment — also without trial — of those accused under the UAPA in the Elgar Parishad case.
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Pique and petulance: On Sudha Bharadwaj’s bail and NIA’s appeal


The Hindu / by Editorial

The NIA’s appeal against Sudha Bharadwaj’s bail order reveals its bull-headedness.
In filing a quick appeal against the grant of statutory bail to lawyer-activist Sudha Bharadwaj, the NIA has displayed nothing but pique and petulance over a well-reasoned order of the Bombay High Court. The bail order itself is a much-delayed relief, considering that the right to ‘default bail’ had accrued to her as early as January 2019, on completing 90 days in prison and when there was neither a charge sheet nor a lawful order extending the time limit for filing it from 90 to 180 days.
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Will the Sudha Bharadwaj Bail Order Affect the Bhima Koregaon Case as a Whole


The Quint / by Vakasha Sachdev

The Bombay HC’s order may not affect the merits of the case, but the issues raised could have major consequences.
As soon as the Bombay High Court held on 1 December that Sudha Bharadwaj, the reputed activist and lawyer who is an accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, was entitled to be released on default bail, certain questions became inevitable.
First, how quickly would the NIA file an appeal against the judgment in the Supreme Court? (Answer: Very quickly, by the evening of 2 December)
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Failure to take cognisance of chargesheet does not entail default bail under UAPA: Bombay HC


Sabrangindia / by Sanchita Kadam

A closer look at why the court granted bail to Sudha Bharadwaj, but denied it to her eight co-accused in the Bhima Koregaon case.
On December 1, the Bombay High Court granted bail to lawyer-activist Sudha Bharadwaj vide a detailed order and in the same order denied bail to other eight co-accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, purely on technicality. Since the grounds raised by Bharadwaj were different from those raised by the eight others, her contention was accepted and agreeable to the bench of Justices SS Shinde and NJ Jamadar.
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‘Urban Naxals’, Sharad Pawar’s U-Turn and What it Means for Efforts to Ensure Justice for Activists

‘Urban Naxals’, Sharad Pawar’s U-Turn and What it Means for Efforts to Ensure Justice for Activists

The Wire / by Sukanya Shantha

When the MVA government came to power in Maharashtra, it vehemently criticised the Fadnavis government’s handling of the Elgar Parishad case. Two years later, Sharad Pawar is sounding a lot more like Fadnavis.
In 2018, the Maharashtra police, under the Devendra Fadnavis-led Bharatiya Janata Party government, arrested several rights activists, lawyers and academics for their alleged involvement in the Elgar Parishad case.
This series of arrests, made from different parts of the country, made way for the dramatic discourse on the presence of “urban Naxals” in the country. 
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