Video: BK16 and the Incarceration of Justice / Film spotlights ‘price’ paid by Bhima Koregaon 16

Video: BK16 and the Incarceration of Justice / Film spotlights ‘price’ paid by Bhima Koregaon 16

Video: BK16 and the Incarceration of Justice


en | 13 min | 2021

By Karawan e Mohabbat

Tune in to find out who are #bk16 and why the state has left no stone unturned to charge them under the draconian #UAPA laws.
Watch video (08:00-22:01)

Film spotlights ‘price’ paid by Bhima Koregaon 16


The Telegraph / by Pheroze L. Vincent

Produced by the Delhi-based NGO Karwan-e-Mohabbat, the 13-minute film edited and narrated by Anam Sheikh starts with the funeral service of the 84-year-old Father Stan.
At the beginning, Father Stan Swamy appears on screen to say that what is happening to him is not happening to him alone. The film ends with the Jesuit declaring he is “ready to pay the price, whatever it may be”.
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