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Category: Protest letters

International Mother Language Day: Take Action for Hany Babu

International Mother Language Day: Take Action for Hany Babu

By PEN International

On 21 February each year, PEN International joins worldwide observations of International Mother Language Day, which celebrates the importance of linguistic diversity around world.
This year, PEN International calls for the release of linguistics scholar and activist Hany Babu (India), who has been unjustly detained by the Indian authorities as part of the government’s wider crackdown on dissidents and advocates for the rights of marginalised communities in India…

Take action
PEN International considers Hany Babu’s detention and that of his fellow activists a breach of their right to freedom of expression, and calls for their immediate and unconditional release.
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Also watch:

Video: Language and the Problems of Justice

en | 3h5min | 2021

By Field Linguistics JNU

An Online Conference to mark one year of Hany Babu’s imprisonment
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Postcard to Prison #postcardtoprison

Postcard to Prison #postcardtoprison

By InSAF India

The Bhima Koregaon (BK-16) are 16 human rights activists in India who are being imprisoned on charges of “terrorism” that United Nations experts have condemned as an effort to suppress political dissent. Join us in writing solidarity messages to the BK-16. InSAF India will regularly collect the messages and send them to the Taloja and Byculla prisons.
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Feb 13th: #FreeBK16 #EvidencePlanted (posters) / Sudha Bharadwaj spends 900 days in detention

Feb 13th: #FreeBK16 #EvidencePlanted (posters) / Sudha Bharadwaj spends 900 days in detention

Feb 13th TWEET STORM: #FreeBK16 #EvidencePlanted


Tweets by various groups and individuals

The Washington Post newspaper has published a report in which Arsenal Consulting, a digital forensics firm, exposes the “extremely dark” and “very organised” hacking of activist Rona Wilson’s laptop to plant incriminating evidence related to the Bhima Koregaon incident. Sixteen activists are facing charges under UAPA and have been lodged in jail without bail in Bhima Koregaon case.
Some tweets and posters shared during the tweet storm today:

Dalit Camera: What kind of a country puts its intellectuals behind bars for something they didn’t do?
Dalit Camera: When the government doesn’t have an answer to the storm of questions raised against, it resorts to arresting those speaking the truth fearlessly. Shame!
NAPM India: National Alliance of People’s Movements demands the govt #FreeBK16 in light of #EvidencePlanted – it is draconian to jail #HumanRights activists based on fabricated evidence and no trial!
Elgar Parishad: After Armed Arsenal report it is evident that Elgar Parishad – Bhima Koregaon case is completely fabricated. We demand immediate release of BK 16
Jignesh Mevani: India’s prominent intellectuals are in jail for one simple reason: they can think and oppose an autocratic government! There is no legal basis, no trial, and even the evidence is planted! The world should take note!
Boston South Asian Coalition: Arsenal Consulting, a reputed Forensic firm has exposed the conspiracy that maliciously planted evidence to arrest
Cedric Prakash: It is important that all the illegally incarcerated are freed immediately
COLLECTIVE: COLLECTIVE demands arrest of Sangh rioters Shambhaji bhide, Milind Ekbote. India will be a country of #Andolanjeevis, not bootlickers of imperialism.

Sudha Bharadwaj spends 900 days in detention

12/02/2021 / by CIVICUS

▪ 13 February 2021 marks Sudha Bharadwaj’s 900th day in pre-trial detention
▪ Questions raised about validity of letters used to incriminate Sudha
▪ Indian authorities have limited the number of books she can receive

February 13 marks 900 days since Indian activist Sudha Bharadwaj was arrested and imprisoned. On this day, global civil society organisation CIVICUS calls on the Indian government to immediately release Bharadwaj and drop all charges against her.
Since 2018, Sudha and 15 other activists, writers and lawyers have been arrested under the draconian Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and accused of having links with the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist).
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United States: Ask President Biden and Secretary Blinken to Demand Fr. Stan’s Release

United States: Ask President Biden and Secretary Blinken to Demand Fr. Stan’s Release / by Society of Jesus

For four months, Fr. Stan Swamy, SJ has been wrongly imprisoned in India. Multiple efforts to secure his release have been denied by the courts, even though he is 83 years old and suffers from Parkinson’s disease…
Join us in urging the United States to: condemn the incarceration of Fr. Stan Swamy, ask the Indian Government to release him immediately, and ask the Indian Government to stop arbitrary arrests of innocent citizens.
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Stan Swamy, has been harassed since 2018: OHCR / Endorse: International appeal

Stan Swamy, has been harassed since 2018: OHCR / Endorse: International appeal

Human rights defender Stan Swamy, has been harassed since 2018: OHCR


Sabrang / by Sabrang India

Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders; Special Rapporteur on minority issues; write to Indian Govt over Fr Stan Swamy’s prolonged detention.
The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders; the and Special Rapporteur on minority issues, have made public a letter they had written to the Indian Government expressing their concern over the “alleged arbitrary detention of human rights defender Stan Swamy”.
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Endorse: International appeal to United Nations regarding Fr. Stan Swamy, S.J


By Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat – Society of Jesus

Fr. Stan Swamy, SJ is a 83 years old Indian Jesuit priest incarcerated for alleged anti-national activities. He was arrested on October 8, 2020. The antecedents of this case can be traced back to 1 January 2018 violence against the Dalits across the state of Maharashtra. One Dalit youth was killed and countless of number of Dalits injured. Even though all evidence pointed to the role of right-wing leaders in the violence that erupted after the annual celebration at Bhima Koregaon, the state thought it convenient to foist false cases against human rights defenders who are known to stand up for the poor.
Read more / read & sign appeal

India: Call to UN for release of Fr Stan Swamy


Independent Catholic News / by ICN

The Jesuits of India, together with an international network of civil society organizations, have appealed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to obtain the immediate release of Jesuit Father Stan Swamy, 83, who has been imprisoned since 8 October on charges of sedition with 15 other human rights defenders in India. The appeal is a joint initiative of the Jesuits, Claretians and other congregations and organizations present at the United Nations.
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Sign Petition: Land Rights Activist Mahesh Raut Needs to be Free

Sign Petition: Land Rights Activist Mahesh Raut Needs to be Free

Poster: Solidarity campaign, June 2019

Gauri Lankesh News / by Gauri Lankesh News Desk

On 6th June 2018, Mahesh Raut, a land and adivasi rights activist, was arrested in relation to the Elgar Parishad case through the draconian Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The police charged Mahesh just as he was filing a petition to protect citizens whose lands are mined against their will. Members of Socialist Party (India) recently released a petition seeking signatories in support of Mahesh in the name of freedom of speech.
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Sign Petition “Mahesh Raut Needs To Be Free” here

Call to sign: Solidarity Statements with Prof PK Vijayan & Prof Rakesh Ranjan

Call to sign: Solidarity Statements with Prof PK Vijayan & Prof Rakesh Ranjan

Solidarity with Prof. Rakesh Ranjan


By students and alumni of SRCC

We, the students and alumni of SRCC, stand in complete solidarity with Prof. Rakesh Ranjan. He has been summoned by the NIA for a hearing on 14th August, in relation with the nefarious Bhima Koregaon case. This is part of the on-going witch hunt of intellectuals and activists by forces attempting to stamp out every progressive and dissenting voice.
Read/sign statement

Solidarity Statement against NIA Intimidation of Prof. PK Vijayan


By Hindu College Coordination Committee (HCCC)

Please sign statement in solidarity with Prof. Vijayan
Rise in rage against NIA intimidation of Prof. PK Vijayan of English Department, Hindu College, DU.
We, the students, teachers and members of the academic community are alarmed by the summons issued to Prof. Prem Kumar Vijayan of Hindu College, Delhi University by the NIA to join the ongoing investigation into the Bhima Koregaon case on Friday, 14th August. Recently, Prof. Hany Babu of English Department, Delhi University had also been summoned similarly by the NIA and arrested under draconian UAPA charges in the expanding Bhima Koregaon witch hunt of progressive teachers, journalists, lawyers, cultural and social activists.
Read/sign statement

Global Campaign #StandAsMyWitness: Free Sudha Bharadwaj

Global Campaign #StandAsMyWitness: Free Sudha Bharadwaj


Nearly 200 human rights organisations including CIVICUS have signed a letter to world leaders urging them to release human rights defenders and prisoners of conscience in honour of Nelson Mandela Day 18 July … It calls on governments to end the imprisonment and harassment of human rights defenders … Resilient human rights defenders from across the globe feature in the #StandAsMyWitness campaign. The ‘faces’ of the campaign are these defenders currently behind bars, like Sudha Bharadwaj – a human rights lawyer who defends Indigenous people’s rights in India.
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The #StandAsMyWitness campaign urges people to write letters on behalf of the defenders:
Demand the release of Sudha Bharadwaj

Sign petition: Ensure Immediate Health Care & Release Vara Vara Rao Now

Sign petition: Ensure Immediate Health Care & Release Vara Vara Rao Now

+++ Udpate: VV Rao has been moved to the JJ Hospital in Mumbai +++

By Citizens In Solidarity with Vara Vara Rao

Do sign this open appeal to @PMOIndia & @CMOMaharashtra to #FreeVaravaraRao & ensure proper medical treatment. Click on link below to sign. Add ur name, organizational/professional affiliation and city/location.
Read and sign petition

Sign petition: Justice for the BK11 undertrials

Sign petition: Justice for the BK11 undertrials

By Counterview

This is the background note for signatures sought by July 15 10:00 p.m. for an online petition to chief minister Uddhav Thackeray.

The Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra
Mantralaya, Mumbai
Respected Chief Minister,
We, the citizens of a democratic republic appeal to you regarding the eleven persons- Sudhir Dhawale, Surendra Gadling, Shoma Sen, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, Sudha Bharadwaj, Anand Teltumbde, Gautam Navlakha, Varavara Rao, Mahesh Raut and Rona Wilson accused in the Bhima Koregaon case.
Read and sign petition


The Constitution of India, Article 21, guarantees protection of life and personal liberty to every individual. Yet, the rights of activists and lawyers incarcerated under the draconian Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) since 2018 in Maharashtra jails are at grave risk due to the delay and dragging of cases since the last 24 months.
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